Liz and Jo 2014.JPG


We’re Liz and Jo! Thanks for joining us at a journey bespoke, our Jakarta-based blog that we started back in 2014 and continued to write until the end of 2019.



I'm a bit partial to an interesting gate (and fences too come to think of it). Yes, you did read right. Why you may (or may not) ask? Well it's because a gate and a good fence can either frame a property (like a good hair cut frames your face), or it can add a sense of intrigue (what lies beyond that fine perimeter?)


Although there are the obvious benefits of a good fence and gate (security, privacy etc), the benefits can extend well beyond this. The choice of gate and fence, including materials selected, makes a statement about the property and hence the owner themselves. What makes a gate interesting? Well, I'm not too sure what my criteria actually are but I certainly know if it appeals to me when I see it.


Having walked the streets of my neighbourhood on numerous occasions (whilst attempting to exercise our unruly dog), I've observed numerous properties, some of which have stopped me in my tracks due to their striking or serene presentation. And although many of us, due to expatriate status, may not actually own the house in which we currently live, it does not mean that we cannot appreciate what we see around us.

I’m using my daily walks as inspiration for the old but much loved 1960’s house that we bought and subsequently moved out of just prior to moving to Jakarta. My life is here now, but I do dream of the day when I return to our previous locale and renovate our beautiful old place. And much to my delight, there is inspiration all around me in my new neighbourhood that may very well be replicated when we eventually return home.

So here are my favourite gates from around my neighbourhood and beyond.


Words: Jo Stevens  Photography: a journey bespoke

Janie Strahle - Jakarta based creative and International teacher

Janie Strahle - Jakarta based creative and International teacher

Useful words and phrases in Bahasa Indonesia

Useful words and phrases in Bahasa Indonesia